Bethel Windows & Doors

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Remodel Your Alberta Homes With Bethel Windows & Doors

Bethel Windows & Doors is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of quality products. With an experience in producing windows and doors since 1960, we understand the needs of our clients. Our production facility in Coaldale, Alberta, has expanded over the years to nearly 100,000 square feet. We employ 40-50 local men and women and train them to ensure that all our customers receive superior products. The machinery used on our production line allows us to consistently and efficiently deliver a high-quality product suited to the needs of each individual customer. Our window systems are manufactured to test above the required levels of performance standards in the industry today. This ensures that you receive maximum value and high energy-efficiency. We take pride in being ethically and morally bound to treating clients with fairness. This is inherent through our internal standards of quality, energy-efficiency, and service, which enables us to deliver superior quality products to you.
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